Kontenery chłodnicze to specjalna grupa kontenerów, które odpowiedzialne są za utrzymanie stabilnych warunków ...
Refrigerated containers
One of the specialized types of containers are refrigerated containers. As with the standard ones, these are metal structures in the shape of cuboids, usually 10', 20', 40' and 45' long. They are used for storing and transporting goods. In this case, however, we are talking about products that require special conditions, the properties of which can be affected even by the sheer duration of transportation. Refrigerated containers protect cargo from harmful external conditions, such as precipitation, and damage caused inside during movement, as well as from spoilage of products that particularly require the maintenance of a set temperature.
Refrigerated containers ensure that the desired temperature is maintained inside (positive or negative). They are mainly used in the food, commercial, catering and medical industries (e.g. for transporting meat, vegetables, fruits, dairy products, flowers, laboratory samples). Thanks to their mobility, they can also be used as portable cold store, which gives freedom for seasonal operations.
The most important element of a cold store are the chillers. Depending on the model chosen, the cooling of goods is handled by equipment from Carrier, Starcool, Thermoking, or Daikin brands. They start working immediately after connecting to the power supply, regardless of external conditions and climate zone. They ensure that the required temperature is reached and maintained in the range from about -30°C to about +30°C. The chillers allow temperature control and fan speed control. 380 V, 10 kW and 32 A power supply is used to power the chillers.
Refrigerated containers are devices used in industry, so they must meet strict standards. The most important standard met for refrigerated containers is PTI (Pre-Trip Inspection) certification. This is a procedure that every refrigerated container undergoes to check its suitability for loading and the correct operation of the refrigeration system. Each chiller has a sticker with the date of the last inspection - a guarantee of the efficiency of the container in question. In other words, it is a pre-trip or pre-transport inspection to the client, confirming release for use.
At Eco Containers, refrigerated containers come in four sizes: 10'RF refrigerated container, 20'RF refrigerated container, 40'HCRF refrigerated container and 45'HCRF refrigerated container (with lengths of 3, 6, 12 or 13.6 meters, respectively). It is also possible to expand them with additional modules, creating a large refrigerated space - that is, a SuperStore container. Our offer includes new refrigerated containers in standard and premium versions, as well as used refrigerated containers. The containers have the possibility of being equipped with WAM devices allowing remote monitoring of the temperature in the container and other parameters.
Types of refrigerated containers
When you need additional storage space that will act as a mobile refrigerated warehouse, or a good transport to ensure stable thermal conditions throughout the journey, choose a Reefer refrigerated container. This is a standard container cold store, ready to work as soon as it is unloaded. All you need to do is connect the unit to the power supply to maintain the set temperature between -30°C and +30°C. Depending on the model chosen, Carrier, Starcool, Thermoking or Daikin chillers are used to cool the goods.
The Blastfreezer refrigerated container is the ideal solution when fast blast-freezing of products is needed. Depending on the model chosen, Blastfreezer has either two (20-foot version) or as many as five Thermoking chillers (40-foot version), which maintain the desired temperature between -30°C and +30°C. These containers are brand new and are characterized by high aesthetic qualities.
The Blastfreezer refrigerated container is the ideal solution when fast blast-freezing of products is needed. Depending on the model chosen, Blastfreezer has either two (20-foot version) or as many as five Thermoking chillers (40-foot version), which maintain the desired temperature between -30°C and +30°C. These containers are brand new and are characterized by high aesthetic qualities.
Isotherm containers come in all available refrigerated sizes, the most common being 20'RF and 40'HCRF. When placed inside, the goods react more slowly to external conditions, which means they do not spoil as quickly as if they were outside. Isotherms are sourced from old container cold stores and have no or inoperable refrigeration units. Isothermal containers are most often used in the food or florist industry, where goods are sensitive to changes in temperature, especially with varying outdoor temperatures.
Advantages of refrigerated containers:
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