Kontenery morskie mają zróżnicowane ceny, które są zależne od wielu czynników, m.in. stanu technicznego czy ic...
Eco Containers
Sale, rental and modifications of containers
Containers are metal structures used for storing and transporting cargo by sea and land. Their dimensions have been unified, making it possible to create logistics schemes around the world. Thanks to the strength of their construction, they have also gained many other uses, including as office or living quarters. In addition, they are airtight, which prevents moisture and wind from getting inside. The mobility of the containers allows for their easy relocation and, importantly, erecting them does not require a building permit.
The most popular model in our offer are shipping containers with lengths of 20'DC and 40'HC. Their external dimensions are 6058 x 2438 x 2591 mm, respectively, and the 40-foot container dimensions are: length 12192 mm x width 2438 mm x height 2896 mm. They find their application mainly in the transportation of light loads, which are consolidated to reach the permitted load capacity. Containers can also be used as storage or office/storage space. We also offer for sale elevated models of 40'HC (High Cube) containers. They are 30 centimeters higher than the 40'DC models, which allows you to place and store higher loads in them and more easily maneuver goods inside. The 40'HC containers are available in new, refurbished and used versions.

For storing goods that require special conditions,
Office containers are also gaining popularity. They are ideal for construction sites as small offices for construction managers, as well as watchtowers or offices for small entrepreneurs.
In our offer, you can find both new, refurbished and used shipping containers. The former are only after one sea trip from the manufacturer (one-way containers). Refurbished containers are containers that have been sandblasted and repainted. After the work performed, they regain their appearance. The color of the coating can be chosen by the client from the RAL palette. Used shipping containers are also a full-fledged and functional product, but they bear traces of use. This only affects its aesthetic qualities, the technical structure has no damage. It is the most attractively priced proposal, which will be ideal for starting your own business in the shipping industry, for example.

Shipping containers are steel structures that are the most popular option for transporting cargo by sea. Their steel construction in the shape of a cuboid protects the goods from the negative effects of weather conditions. Containers come in standard and increased (by 30 cm) heights and lengths: 10’, 20, 40’, 45’.

Refrigerated containers just like shipping containers are metal structures in the shape of cuboid, usually 10', 20', 40' and 45' long. Their difference, and at the same time advantage, is that in addition to protection from adverse weather conditions, they protect goods from spoilage. This is thanks to refrigeration units, which provide the desired temperature in the container.

An office container will work well in any space as a mobile office. It is both an indispensable element on the construction site, where documents are stored, as well as an ideal alternative for small entrepreneurs entering the market. The containers are equipped with electrical installation.

Sanitary containers are used especially on construction sites, guarded yards, as well as for mobile offices and any outdoor events. They are made of 10', 20' and 40’ containers and have electrical and sanitary installations.
Our branches
We invite you to get acquainted with Eco Containers branches throughout Poland.
Our specialists are available in 8 cities in Poland: Tri-City, Szczecin, Poznań, Wrocław, Katowice, Kraków, Lublin and Warsaw.
We also sell and rent containers in Germany and Spain.
We also provide self-storage service - self-service warehouse service in Poznań, Wrocław, Katowice, Kraków and Spain.
The scale of our business allows us to provide containers not only in Poland but also in Europe.
Contact our specialists for the best offer!
Our branches

Service from A to Z
Eco Containers specialists provide advice at the highest level. Thanks to many years of experience on the market, we provide full service of the highest quality.

We deliver containers including unloading - quickly and efficiently to any place in the country and in Europe. For foreign transport, we provide customs services.

Comprehensiveness and combination of services
We have access to a railway siding on a container depot, that's why intermodal transport is not a problem for us!

We offer a 24/7 refrigerated container service. We also carry out the necessary repairs and renovations of the container, restoring its former glory and safety of use.

Additional security and installations
We equip containers with the necessary installations tailored to your needs. We also offer many additional options to ensure the safety of the goods in the container.
Zapraszamy do zapoznania się z naszymi artykułami. Na bieżąco tworzymy treści ze świata kontenerów w formie poradnika, dzięki którym nasi użytkownicy mogą dowiedzieć się więcej o kontenerach.
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