Obecnie w kulturze można na każdym kroku spotkać kontenery morskie. Wykorzystuje się w codziennych przestrzeni...
Container modifications
A container is a steel cuboid that has many uses. On a day-to-day basis, it is mainly used for transporting goods in it by sea and land, but it also works well as a storage area. Containers also appear as office or social spaces. However, their potential is virtually unlimited and depends on human imagination.
Container modifications are a very popular service in addition to container sales and rentals. With a few improvements, the client can adapt the container to his own needs. With the help of reworking and adding new features, the container gets a "new life" and can be used for other purposes than just transportation or storage.
We modify containers of all sizes and types, be it shipping containers, refrigerated containers or office containers. Our specialists will properly advise and create a customized modification project.
We have a sheltered hall where all kinds of modifications take place. We carry out, among other things, electrical installations, sanitary connections, additional mechanisms, steel cutting, welding of components and much more. We also make accessories for containers, such as ramps.
The most common modifications in our offer includes, for example, catering containers, residential containers, or sanitary containers. We are not afraid of challenges and focus on creativity and functionality.
If you are planning to hold an outdoor event, we have the perfect solution for you. We offer event and exhibition containers that will work perfectly as a unique space for your event. They will give your event a unique character, and we will be happy to help you customize the containers to the specifics of your planned event.
Contact our specialists! We will carry out any modification you assign to us!
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